Filming Africa

I seem to start a lot of these blogs with "Can You Believe ..." and this post is no different. Can you believe that we are nearly 6 months into 2017 already!? This Friday see's me flying back to South Africa for another wedding, this time for my Sister-in-Laws wedding. Unfortunately its going to be another short trip, just 9 days, which is the same amount of time that I went back for in March.

This trip is going to be a little different from my March trip, that trip was all documented on 35mm 'Analogue' film. I have developed some of the black and white film myself and will put up a blog post with those images and thoughts soon. But on this trip I am endeavouring to film this trip and make a movie out of it. I have made vlogs about my travels before, I actually did my first attempt at some vlogging on my first trip to the Philippines. 

But it wasn't until my first trip to the US that I started doing daily vlogs about what I was up to, and I've been documenting my travels since then. Speaking of which ... I still have to finish my videos from Europe earlier this year. 

I have tried to 'Up' the production value of my videos as I have continued to produce these videos, and I am my own worst enemy when I feel like I am not producing good enough content. I can get despondent and loose the desire to work on it, it's not a good quality I have but I'm trying to change that. Now to combat not getting despondent over my work I am trying to pre-plan the video.  

With my increasing desire to make videos, I have learnt that 'running and gunning' can sometimes leave you wanting, in terms of the content that can be used. Its not something that I have to worry about when it comes to my photography, it's a lot easier to make a single frame engaging, compared to a 5-10 minute video. A lot more thought needs to be put in to what goes into video, we live in a society today that is so over saturated with content, that being able to engage with an audience, and keep their attention, is becoming harder and harder. But that's a deeper and more thoughtful topic for another day.

I've bought a few new pieces of equipment that I will be using on this trip, a camera slider and a couple neutral density filters to keep that lovely "bokeh" look to the video I'll be creating.

So keep an eye out for that video, check out my instagram account @optic_canvas for my video based content.


Analogue Africa

We are 3 months in to 2017 and I haven't put out a blog post this year ... yup pretty lame. I've been a busy boy, having done a few paid photo shoots, but haven't done much of my own stuff this year.

Ive still got a lot of vlog editing to do from our Europe Trip in January, I just need to make some time to get those done. But I'll leave any major life updates out of this post.

I am heading back to South Africa on Friday for my cousin's wedding, and with this upcoming trip I have decided to make it an entirely 'analogue' trip just shooting with 35mm film. I have about 20 rolls of film that I'll be taking to use, I will also take my GoPro 5 to create a video of the weeks shooting experiences. Not sure entirely what to expect but I am really looking forward to the trip.

So that's where I will leave it for now, please enjoy some of the film photos from last years trip to South Africa. Be sure to keep an eye out for the photos and video from the trip.


Jess Photo Shoot

Well its December & I have well and truly slipped with keeping my blog posts consistent. The last few months have been pretty crazy, but I wont be getting into that just now. There will be another blog/vlog posts about that in the next couple of weeks. For today's post, these images are from a workshop I did a few months ago that was focused on using natural light to light your model. I am really happy with the images that I got out of the workshop, I even got some film shots done from the day. If I get a chance I will post up another blog post with just the 'analogue' versions of this shoot.

Hope you enjoy, let me know what you think.
