Analogue Africa

We are 3 months in to 2017 and I haven't put out a blog post this year ... yup pretty lame. I've been a busy boy, having done a few paid photo shoots, but haven't done much of my own stuff this year.

Ive still got a lot of vlog editing to do from our Europe Trip in January, I just need to make some time to get those done. But I'll leave any major life updates out of this post.

I am heading back to South Africa on Friday for my cousin's wedding, and with this upcoming trip I have decided to make it an entirely 'analogue' trip just shooting with 35mm film. I have about 20 rolls of film that I'll be taking to use, I will also take my GoPro 5 to create a video of the weeks shooting experiences. Not sure entirely what to expect but I am really looking forward to the trip.

So that's where I will leave it for now, please enjoy some of the film photos from last years trip to South Africa. Be sure to keep an eye out for the photos and video from the trip.


Jess Photo Shoot

Well its December & I have well and truly slipped with keeping my blog posts consistent. The last few months have been pretty crazy, but I wont be getting into that just now. There will be another blog/vlog posts about that in the next couple of weeks. For today's post, these images are from a workshop I did a few months ago that was focused on using natural light to light your model. I am really happy with the images that I got out of the workshop, I even got some film shots done from the day. If I get a chance I will post up another blog post with just the 'analogue' versions of this shoot.

Hope you enjoy, let me know what you think.


Returning to Africa - Planning for a Photographic Adventure.

Hey guys, how are you all going?


Well not long to go now before we jump onto that plane and travel 5000 miles to west to Africa. This is a trip that's been nearly 6 months in the making, so I am very excited to be going back, not only to see the family and friends who are still there, but we are going to be doing things that will make this a once in a lifetime trip around Southern Africa. We will be exploring; South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana.

On previous holidays away, I have done a video blog of the trip recording my experience's, scenes, & thoughts as I go. These have usually been recorded and edited on my iPhone with some photos that I've copied across from another camera. I want to try and 'up' the production value of how I document this trip, as such I will compiling media captured on the iPhone, GoPro, Sony A7 & the DJI Phantom.

I've been thinking and planning the 'documentation' side of the trip more than just about any trip. The more I've travelled to more I've tried to limit just how much stuff I take with me on a trip. This trip initially set out along the same lengths, but as the months went on I've been adding things to the 'gear I want to take to Africa ... list'

Happy New Year

Happy New Years everyone, 2015 has come and gone in the blink of the eye and 2016 has begun.

I've got a quick video after I'm done talking, showcasing some photos and videos I took throughout 2015, I've got to apologise for the few months that will have no photos in... It was a slow year for photos.


I'm sure, like many of you, the thought of New Year's resolutions tends to be at the forefront of our minds. I've got the pretty generic ones that most of us have, get fit, eat healthy and others like that but I've also got some 'photography' related ones that I'm going to talk more about.

You guys may or may not have noticed that I've been playing with videos more lately, I'd like to put out a weekly vlog/what every kind of video. Got a few ideas on some what kinds of videos I could put out. I want to get out and shoot a lot more photo and video this year, last year was pretty tame compared to the year before so I must make the conscious effort to get out and shoot more.


Leading on from that I'd like shoot a roll of film a week be it 35mm or 120 film on some of my different cameras and film stocks in a 'weekly analogue shoot'. I'm still undecided if I'll leave the film to be developed at the end of the year or develop them as they are shot, who knows ill see how I go.

And again leading on from the weekly film shooting, I want to learn to develop film as well, maybe even make one of the weekly videos my first attempt at developing a roll of film. I'd like to develop my phantom drive video, trying to up the quality of what I am shooting on the phantom


I guess I should talk about my trip off to Southern Africa in the next 6 days, I will be doing a daily vlog video's of what we are up to from day to day. Only problem is that there probably won't be internet access to upload said daily vlogs, so chances are the videos will be compiled into either 1 long video or several video's. It's really Internet dependant. Before we leave I'll be throwing a video together of some of the gear I'll be taking with me on the trip so keep an eye out for that.